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​​Theresa Spanke​

Performance Videos
"I love to sing. It not only makes me happy. I also love to perform, it makes me feel whole. I am at peace within when I perform. No matter what else is wrong in my life, I feel like I am "home" when I am on a stage or bandstand. I feel like that is what I was born to do. What I was brought to the world to do. Here are some of the perfomances, whole or in part, that someone captured on video. Please enjoy!" Theresa Spanke

"Broken Lady" and "Help Me" With Larry Gatlin
WS Holland 60th Rocking Annversary Celebration
August 16, 2014 Jackson, TN Carl Perkins Civic Center.

I'm another title
"Today I started Loving You Again", and "Dont Touch Me"
WS Holland 60th Rocking Annversary Celebration
August 16, 2014 Jackson, TN Carl Perkins Civic Center

Video to come

Video to come
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